
CAL Consult GmbH

Fürther Str. 244a
D-90429 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 (0)911 9 52 19 0
Fax: +49 (0)911 9 52 19 38
E-mail: info[at]
VAT-ID: DE174792902

Headquarters: CAL Consult GmbH

Friedrich-Menzefricke-Straße 6
D-33775 Versmold
Phone: +49 (0)54 23 9 60-0
Commercial register of the local court: AG Gütersloh HRB 5024 
Managing directors: Mathias Rieger, Florian Seffert

Legal notice & data privacy

Responsible for the contents in accordance with § 6 MDStV:
CAL Consult GmbH
Note concerning linked sites:
Our internet site contains links to other internet sites. For all these links the following applies: We have no influence on the design and contents of the linked sites. Therefore, we distance ourselves from all contents of all linked sites, including any sub-sites. This declaration concerns all links, banners and search engines as well as all contents of the sites to which these links, banners or search engines lead.

Please note also our current

Data Protection Officer

Kraftverkehr Nagel SE & Co. KG
Corporate Data Protection Officer

Friedrich-Menzefricke-Straße 6
D-33775 Versmold
E-Mail: dataprotection[at]

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